Program of the 2000 Asia-Pacific Panel on Public AdministrationMs. Yuko Kaneko, June 2000 IIAS/IAM Joint Panel on Public AdministrationTime and Date: 11 am - 12.30 21 June 2000 ThemeRegional Cooperation and Integration Efforts in Public Management in the Asia-Pacific Region - A Comparative Approach - IntroductionIn Europe, the European Union is striving to possess embryonic federal characteristics while it is a community of sovereign nations. Integration of nation states is proceeding to form a supranational institution. On the other hand, there are diverse cultural, ethnic, political and geopolitical differences among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. One may say that regional integration is impossible or far more difficult compared with the Europe. However, governments in the Asia-Pacific region are more or less introducing a common set of public management techniques, so-called New Public Management. New Public Management, NPM in short, is characterized by hands-on professional management, explicit standards and measures of performance, greater emphasis on output controls, shift to disaggregation of units, shift to greater competition, stress on private-sector styles of management practice and stress on greater discipline and parsimony in resource use. The introduction of common techniques can be identified as one of the integration efforts in public management. This joint IIAS/IAM panel will provide an opportunity to have a common perspective of what are going on in public administration in the Asia-Pacific and explore the coverage and depth of NPM adopted by governments. In the panel, three speakers will present how the governments in the Asia-Pacific have introduced New Public Management techniques in the context of globalization and what results have been accomplished up to now and future direction. And two discussants from Latin America and Africa will comment on the efforts in the Asia-Pacific from the perspectives of the regional integration. In this panel, we will identify the roles of the common management techniques, evaluate the countries' experiences and clarify the necessity of coordinated approach and regional cooperation in public management. Panelists
President/Coordinator Prof. Hiromitsu Kataoka, Organization of the Panel
Post-Panel LuncheonParticipants of the Panel are cordially invited to a luncheon hosted by the Institute of Administrative Management (IAM), Japan About the IAMThe Institute of Administrative Management, Japan (IAM) is a pioneer in research on public administration in Japan. Since its establishment of 1977, IAM has been carrying out various research activities from five-year projects on basic theories to specific studies on public management techniques such as grievance procedure, privatization, and policy coordination. IAM also organizes meetings and seminars on public management and gives government officials and other people in the public sector the opportunities for improving their public management techniques. IAM publishes some publications in English such as "Organization of the Government of Japan", "Administrative Management and Reform in Japan" and "Japan's Government Administration at a Glance 2000." As for international cooperation, IAM has been conducting various joint activities with international organizations such as the United Nations, IIAS and EROPA to contribute human resource development of the government officials in the Asia-Pacific region. If you would like to study public management in the Japanese government, it is the most convenient for you to contact the Institute at first. Institute of Administrative Management (IAM) Phone: +81-3-3981-0441 |
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