Athens - 2001The theme of the 2001 Asia-Pacific Panel on Public Administration, held in Athens, was 'From Government to Governance: Experiences and Future Perspectives in the Asia-Pacific Region.' From that workshop, the original program and introduction, the presented papers and keynote addresses as well as the summary and conclusion are now available online: -------------------------------------------------2001 Asia-Pacific Panel on Public Administration: Introduction and ProgramMs. Yuko Kaneko, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan -------------------------------------------------Keynote Speech: The Role of NGOs in the Context of “from Government to Governance” Akira Iriyama,
President of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation,
Japan -------------------------------------------------Political Failures and Implications for Good Governance: Lessons from the Asian Economic Crisis of 1997 Khai Leong Ho, PhD.,
Department of Political Science,
National University of Singapore -------------------------------------------------The Public Service Governance in Japan: Is an NPO an Agent or a Partner? Kosuke Oyama, PhD., Professor of Public Administration and Policy,
Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law,
Keio University -------------------------------------------------From Government to Governance: Experiences and Future Perspectives in the Asia-Pacific Region Professor Mohammad Mohabbat Khan,
Bangladesh Public Service Commission -------------------------------------------------China's Public Administration Reform: New Approaches Mr. Xu Songtao, Former Vice-Minister of Personnel, China -------------------------------------------------Comments on the Presented Papers by Mr. Siedentopf Professor Heinrich Siedentopf,
German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer -------------------------------------------------Comments on the Presented Papers by Mr. GabrMr. Hatem Aly Labib Gabr, Kosheri, Rashed & Raid, Legal Consultants.& Attorneys at Law, Egypt -------------------------------------------------Conclusion of the Asia-Pacific Panel 2001 Dr. Itoko Suzuki,
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University -------------------------------------------------Summary Report of the Workshop on Governance and Civil Society Dr. Akira Nakamura,
Professor, Meiji University -------------------------------------------------Executive Summary of the Asia-Pacific Panel 2001Ms. Yuko Kaneko, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Government of Japan & Program coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Panel -------------------------------------------------
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